Samsung Microwave Light Bulb Replacement

Are you wondering how to change a light bulb in a microwave? A functioning light is critical because it will let you see through the door, and help you to keep an eye on your food. If you don’t have a light, there’s a high risk that your food will get overcooked, boil over, or run into similar problems.
Fortunately, it’s easy to change a microwave light bulb if yours is faulty or has burnt out – and that’s what we’re going to look at in this article. You’ll soon have your microwave functioning perfectly once more!
Tools Needed For Replacement
To replace the bulb in your microwave, you are likely going to need the following tools:
- A Philips head screwdriver
- A replacement bulb that matches the size and wattage of your Samsung microwave model
Note that not all Samsung microwaves use the same kinds of bulbs, so you must make sure that your bulb matches your microwave. Using the wrong kind of bulb could be dangerous, so check carefully before you put a new bulb in place.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step 1) The first thing you should do is unplug your microwave. You should never try to change a light bulb while the appliance is plugged in, as there is a risk of electrocution if something goes wrong. Start by flipping the switch and then removing the plug from the outlet to ensure the microwave is completely safe to handle.
Some people only flip the switch, but this isn’t advised. There is a risk that you will make a mistake about which way the switch should be, and this is dangerous. Always unplug the appliance.
Step 2) Next, locate the cover of the light bulb. This should be on the ceiling of the microwave, so you may need to crouch down and peer into it.
Step 3) You should see some screws fastening the cover in place. These will need to be removed, so use your Philips head screwdriver to unscrew them. Place them in a dish or eggcup to keep them safe while you are working.
Step 4) Lift the cover out of your microwave and set it aside so it won’t get knocked off the counter.
Step 5) Remove the old light bulb by reaching inside, grasping the bulb, and twisting it. Keep twisting until the bulb is fully unscrewed, and then dispose of it according to the guidelines from your local authority. You may be able to recycle the bulb, or you may have to put it in your household waste disposal.
Step 6) Take your new light bulb out of the box and screw it into place, making sure that it is correctly threaded and fully screwed in. Gently wriggle the bulb to check it is secure and in place.
Step 7) Slot the light bulb cover back into place and then screw its screws in. It can be difficult to get the screws to stay put because of gravity, so do them one at a time.
Step 8) Plug your microwave back into the outlet, flip the switch, and then test if the new bulb is working by heating something in the microwave. Don’t operate the microwave empty, as this can be dangerous. Warm a cup of water if you need to test it and you don’t have anything else that needs heating. The interior light should now come on!
Tips And Precautions
There are a couple of things you can do to make the process of changing the bulb even quicker and easier – so let’s look at those next.
First, make sure you are holding the bulb with care. This goes for both the old bulb and your new one, but particularly the new one. If you drop it, there’s a high chance that it will smash, or that one of the filaments inside will break. If this happens, you will need to buy another bulb.
You may wish to wear a pair of thin gloves to reduce the risk of you accidentally cutting yourself on the light bulb cover or the screws. Using gloves will also reduce the transfer of oils and salt from your skin onto the glass, which can help the bulb last longer.
Make sure you can still move your hands easily inside the gloves and check that they don’t hamper your grip, or you may increase the chances of dropping the bulb by mistake.
If you can’t find any gloves that don’t hamper your dexterity, it’s better to do this task without them. However, you should be careful when handling any sharp metal, as there is a risk that you will cut yourself otherwise.
Finally, make sure you always follow the recommendations about size and wattage from your microwave manufacturer. If you don’t know these, try searching for your microwave model online to find out what kind of light bulb you need. If you get the wrong bulb, there is a risk that it won’t work, or even that it will overheat and present a fire hazard.
Never try to put a light bulb that is above the recommended wattage into your microwave, as this is dangerous. Your light bulb should match the recommended wattage or be lower than it, so if you don’t have a suitable bulb, purchase something specifically for your microwave.
Replacing the light bulb in your microwave is well worth the time and money. You will probably be charged a lot for this simple repair if you take your microwave to a store to have it fixed, and that’s frustrating – because it really is just a case of removing the cover and swapping the bulb! As long as you do it carefully, it’s very easy.
However, you should always make sure you are adhering to current safety guidelines and being careful while changing the bulb. Even though this is a straightforward task, it will involve removing screws and taking out the bulb cover, which could be sharp.
If you are careful and focused, you should soon have a new bulb lighting up your microwave!